5 Signs Your Business Should Switch From a Landline to VoIP
There are a few probable reasons why you might still be using…

An Automated Receptionist Could be Your Best Employee
The workplace is becoming increasingly fragmented, with employees…

Mobile Marketing Helps Businesses Grow Faster
It seems today that business is moving faster than ever. However,…

5 Ways Teleconferencing is Impacting Today’s Businesses
One of the advantages of switching to a cloud-based phone system…

Is VoIP Really Better Than Analog?
Is VoIP really better than analog? We get this question often…

Three Tips for Maintaining Business Continuity During a Natural Disaster
Let’s be honest, no business is immune to the effects of a…

Switching Business Phone Services? Look for These 6 Features to Get More Bang for Your Buck
If your business has outgrown its current phone service and you’re…

A Dependable Business Phone System is Crucial to Your Growth
Missed phone calls mean missed opportunities. If your business…

How to Stop Being a Business VoIP Reseller Sucker
In this installment, we will talk about how companies get trapped as a Reseller Sucker, why traditional alternatives are costly and difficult, and a new “Third Way” that can help you create a future where your destiny is your own.

Reselling Business VoIP is for Suckers
When I introduce FracTEL to potential channel partners, one of the first things I tell them is “Reselling Business VoIP is for suckers”. Let me tell you what I mean.

Team FracTEL at IT EXPO 2017
Team FracTEL had a great week at IT EXPO 2017. Check out our photo blog!

FracTEL 2016 Holiday Schedule
As we take time to celebrate the season, FracTEL offices will be closed from Monday, December 26th 2016 through Friday, December 30th, 2016.

Hurricane Matthew Update #3
The good news for FracTEL is that our network maintained 100% uptime for all services through the storm and we were able to support business continuity for our customers. At this time, our offices are open and we remain 100% operational.

Hurricane Matthew Update #2
While millions remain in harms way from a very dangerous Hurricane Matthew, the worst appears to be past for FracTEL. The storm moved through the Space Coast early Thursday morning, with the eye wall - where the most dangerous winds occur - passing within 30 miles of our offices.

Hurricane Matthew Update #1
The FracTEL team has experienced severe tropical weather before, and we are prepared. Our experience with natural disasters has been a profound influence on the architecture and deployment of our network, and it was explicitly designed to withstand events like this one.

Preparing for Hurricane Matthew
As we take time to celebrate the season, FracTEL offices will be closed from Thursday, December 24th 2015 through Friday, December 25th, 2015 and Monday, December 28, 2015 through Friday, January 1, 2016.

FracTEL 2016 Independence Day Holiday Schedule
As we take time to celebrate the season, FracTEL offices will be closed from Thursday, December 24th 2015 through Friday, December 25th, 2015 and Monday, December 28, 2015 through Friday, January 1, 2016.

FracTEL CTO to Host Grandstream Networks Webinar
FracTEL invites you to join our CTO, Olaf Belstedt, for a webinar hosted by our partner Grandstream Networks.

FracTEL Attends Opening for FIT Digital Scholarship Lab
On January 22, 2016, FracTEL executives attended a ceremony to open the new state-of-the-art Digital Scholarship Lab at Florida Institute of Technology that features a Videoconferencing Center donated by FracTEL.

FracTEL 2015 Holiday Schedule
As we take time to celebrate the season, FracTEL offices will be closed from Thursday, December 24th 2015 through Friday, December 25th, 2015 and Monday, December 28, 2015 through Friday, January 1, 2016.

Net Neutrality Faces Showdown in Federal Courts
There is a great nutshell summary on entrepreneur.com of the opposing views and high stakes involved as the telecom industry sues the FCC in Federal Court to overturn their recent ruling in support of Net Neutrality.

FCC to Consider Normalizing Communications with Cuba
Unless you have family or friends there, you may not know that that the restrictive trade policies of the U.S. towards Cuba extend to simple telephone communications. Fortunately, that may be changing soon.

Getting Meta with the Inbound Marketing Masters
"Why would a Marketing Automation provider promote tools for Inbound Marketing that are not only from another company, but free? Because they get it."

Cloud and Open Source Have Transformed Venture Capital
"In fact, angels have nearly completely replaced venture capital at the seed stage, which means they are the first to form critical relationships with founders."

Research Shows That the Best Companies Leverage Cloud Technology
"SMBs Using cloud technology to overcome their challenges grow 26% faster and deliver 21% higher gross profits. 85% of those surveyed believe the cloud enabled their business to scale and grow faster."

FracTEL Tele-App Featured on WOFL TV
Savezme, a patent-pending system developed in collaboration with FracTEL by real estate agent Avery Piantedosi, was recently featured on WOFL TV Fox 35 News. Described as a "Personal Safety Tele-App", the system provides protection when meeting with strangers.

FracTEL Gains Direct Access to Telephone Numbers
With a unanimous ruling passed on June 18, 2015, the FCC has made it possible for FracTEL to directly access telephone numbers in North America, removing the need to rely on third party providers for this service.

FracTEL Creates LoveBot TeleApp for Robot Love 3D
With the encouragement of Robot Love 3D curator Derek Gores, FracTEL is sponsoring a unique and entertaining performance art TeleApp for the event, allowing participants to engage in a romantic relationship with a robot companion.

FracTEL Presents Robot Love 3D 2015
FracTEL Presents a weekend of Art, Music and Technology at the Robot Love 3D show at the Eau Gallie Arts District

FracTEL Partner Making News with Innovative Tele-App
Clint Hill, a FracTEL development partner, is making news with his recently debuted innovative app for restaurant and bar owners.

Broadband Phone Bundles are Bad for Business
Broadband providers should leave business phone services to the professionals.

FracTEL Rocks with EGAD!
FracTEL and the Eau Gallie Arts District (EGAD) rang in the new year with the inaugural EGAD.ROCKS, an all ages rock concert at the Eau Gallie Bandshell.

FracTEL rings in new year with EGAD Rocks
FracTEL and the Eau Gallie Arts District (EGAD) ring in the…

FracTEL Founder Selected as People to Watch in 2015
FracTEL founder and president Michael Crown was selected as one…

Cloud PBX Makes a Small Business Look Big
It is very important for small business owners to make potential…

FracTEL Connects with the Arts on the Space Coast
Art connects people across continents and all walks of life.

FracTEL Launches Save 50% Campaign
Businesses should know that they could be saving 50-90% on their…

PBX Hacking is in the New York Times
PBX Hacking is in the news again today. This time it's the New…

Fractel Featured in I4 Business Magazine
Very nice feature on our President, Michael Crown, in I4 Business…

Space Coast Business: Breaking Down the Startup Barriers
Startup LaunchPad40 Accelerates New Business Countdown